Improved conversion tracking

Is the Facebook Pixel or Google Site Tag not reporting conversions properly? It is not uncommon to get more conversions reported using these tools than was ever actually made in the store. The reasons for this can be many, and it may ruin your ads performance and report incorrect results.

Using Engage you can easily prevent this and improve your conversion tracking. Engage implements event deduplication out of the box and provides simple implementations of the Facebook Conversion API, as well as the Google Enhanced Conversion solution. Both of which are intended to improve your conversion tracking and add additional information to the conversions that can be useful in your marketing campaigns.

The Facebook Conversion API

The Facebook Conversion API is a way to track conversions on your website that happen as a result of ads that you are running on Facebook. It allows you to send information about conversions that happen on your website back to Facebook, so that you can track the effectiveness of your ads and optimize your ad campaigns.

To use the Facebook Conversion API, follow this guide →

By using the Facebook Conversion API, you can track conversions on your website more accurately, optimize your ad campaigns more effectively, and improve the overall performance of your Facebook advertising efforts.

Google Enhanced Conversion

Google Enhanced Conversion is a feature of Google Ads that allows you to track conversions on your website more accurately and attribute them to specific ad campaigns and keywords. With Enhanced Conversion, you can get more detailed insights into the performance of your ad campaigns and the impact they are having on your business.

To set up Enhanced Conversion in Google Ads, follow this guide →

By using Enhanced Conversion, you can track conversions on your website more accurately and attribute them to specific ad campaigns and keywords. This can help you optimize your ad campaigns and improve the overall performance of your online advertising efforts.

Last updated