Improve quality of tracking data

Improve quality of tracking data

Why is data quality important? Data quality is essential for one main reason: You give customers the best experience when you make decisions using accurate data. A great customer experience leads to happy customers, brand loyalty, and higher revenue for your business. This of course implies to all data and Engage will help you to improve the quality of your tracking/event data.

Google Analytics

Tracking data will never be 100% accurate due to reasons like, blocking functionality within browsers, privacy settings within iOS, ads blockers, etc. But you can improve the data by making sure that you complement your client side tracking with Google Enhanced Conversion. Even though this could be implemented manually it is a bit cumbersome especially since it will not only involve a lot of configuration it will also require an implementation of a third party tool. With Engage this comes out of the box, simply activate the destination of Google Analytics 4 (client side) and Google Enhanced Conversion (server side).

Google Ads

The key to successful marketing is data, and the better data google ads has available the better targeting and the higher return on investment could be achieved. Using the data collection features of Engage also enables the fueling of data to google ads. The recommended setup would be the following,

  1. Configure Engage to send data to Google Analytics (described above) and then configure the data to be pushed from GA4 to Google ads.

  2. Using Engage, activate the Google Ads API that will allow you to push and take advantage of your first party data within Google Ads.


Clients often struggles with the interpretation of the tracking and conversation data displayed in Meta Business Manager and how it compares to sales number within the ecommerce platform and the conversations received in Google Analytics. Even though, tracking data will never be 100% accurate there are actions that could be taken to improve the quality of the data received. For Facebook/Meta the recommended approach would be to combine client side and server side tracking which will secure that a maximum of data is being collected. Engage offers both out of the box, simply activate the destinations of Facebook Pixel and Facebook Conversation API and the integrations will be created in the background.

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